[ NEWS for 2006 ]

Aw, we're just playing. We have no news for 2006. See below for a real-time recap of 2005. It was all up in our business.

[ NEWS for MAY 2005 ]

Come on in, it is nice to see you. Please check the post below for a song from the new Paul Newman release. Aside from the actual availability of the CD, we do not have much to report since last month. This Is How It Is Lost is available now from your favorite store. We should also apologize to anyone joining us accidentally based on our web address. We are hoping that serious creatures of the night will know better than to think we are reinventing the cape over here.

[ NEWS for APRIL 2005 ]

Oh hello. Our new CD This Is How It Is Lost will be available in the United States and world-wide on or about the Twenty-Fifth of April. There is no way to adequately express what a relief this is to all of us, and we sincerely hope that it is enjoyed by everyone who hears it. For serious.

It has been several years since we made an effort to maintain or update a website, and in that time we promise the band has done very little of interest. In the near future we are hoping to play a few shows in the Northeastern US, but we are not holding our collective breath on that point. Everybody is pretty worked-up and/or beaten-down by their jobs, their other bands, and their lives. We will pass on any news on that front as soon as we have it, as well as whatever else comes up.

As a way of introducing you to the new Paul Newman album, we are pleased to offer the first song to stream or download as you see fit. Depending on interest and bandwidth, we are hoping to dig up some other things to present here in future.

Changing Faster
Paul Newman
This Is How It Is Lost
Emperor Jones 70

Thanks. More to come.


email : paulnewman (at) thenewgoth (dot) com

i love you but i've chosen darkness : www.chosendarkness.com

the american analog set : www.amanset.com

emperor jones : www.emperorjones.com

my pal god : www.mypalgodrecords.com

recordings by jason ward : www.jasonward.org

art by cmc : www.anoteonthetype.com